Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting Started

I have wanted to do this for Josh and I for some time, and I am glad to be getting started. 
I am in love with Josh Stalder!!! He is the love of my life, and I have never known of more assurrity     that I am supposed to be with him for time and all Eternity!
 Even tho we have only been together for 8 months we have grown so much, and become so close that I now know that nothing can stand in our way as long as we keep the commandments, and hold to the lord. I have been to blessed just to call him my friend and now to be able to call him my man for all time, it really is so amazing! Sometimes I don't know if he knows just how amazing he is, even tho I try to tell him often! From the very beginning there was the light about him that was just so amazing I didn't know how to explain it. It was just his spirit and how close he was to the lord. I wanted to be a part of that! And surprisingly he was ok with me stealing a little from him, and letting me into his amazing life, one of love and sharing, selflessness, and giving his whole heart to all the many people he was helping on a daily bases! He has given up more in his life so far then I could ever hope to give in my life time! I could tell you the many things that he does for people but he doesn't like it when I do that! he says that he doesn't want to be noticed for it, that's not why he does it! And he doesn't stop there. He does so much for me in one day that it amazes me! He makes me want to be a better person in every way! And I am, its hard but I am trying! 
 Josh first told me that he loved me on our our temple to see the lights at the temple, and on the way to see his family in Idaho. I had been waiting for him to say it for awhile before tho. because I also wanted to say it to him! 
The very next day we started talking about marriage! It was so fast looking back, but it didnt feel like it, it right right! I wasnt scared. and I for sure thought that I would be! 
But I could and do trust him! with my whole heart!

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